Sarah Hauser Helps You Help Your Pets
To Be in Optimum Balance
With Tellington TTouch, Animal Reiki, Craniosacral Therapy
and Bach Flower Remedies
Contact me now to schedule a session, 646-522-9131 or
Follow my instagram @sarahsuricat, and check out my youtube
SOME GREAT NEWS! I now have an online class on Teachable, "Cats Are Our Teachers - The Power of Quiet Connection: TTouch and Other Modalities for Cats". You can take the class at your own pace, on your own schedule. USE THE COUPON SAVE20 FOR 20% OFF THE CLASS:) Click here for the class site and information:) Taking this class will also enable you to a 15% discount on a one-on-one session with me (remotely or in person).
I work with animals at various rescue organizations as well as privately.
I am available for workshops, demos, private TTouch lessons and private appointments. Click on the Services tab above for more information.

Picture above: Me with Calvin at the Homeless Cat Network Rescue in California, where I have taught TTouch workshops.
Below: Demo of the Clouded Leopard TTouch with Garbanzo.
Sarah Hauser · TTouch, Animal Reiki and Bach Flower Remedies · (646) 522-9131 ·