Contact me today, or 646-522-9131
I have always had two very strong paths in my life, art and animals. Animals find their way into much of my art, and my work with animals is a continuation of that creative process. I am a Tellington TTouch Practitioner, Reiki Master with special certification in Animal Reiki (certified to practice Reiki with people as well as their pets), Healing Touch for Animals Level I Practitioner, and am certified to administer Bach Flower remedies for both animals and people. I have also studied hands-on healing for animals with Margrit Coates. Most recently, I have begun learning Debono Moves (gentle work based on the Feldenkrais method) with Mary Debono.
Through the years, cats have become my specialty. I have particular kinship with feral and fearful cats, and a special place in my heart for feisty cats and older cats as well. I have worked with the most challenging behaviors and situations in shelter/rescue environments as well as in private practice. I also work with dogs, and occasionally with other animals, such as guinea pigs, hamsters, rats, iguanas and even a monitor lizard named Milton:) I am available for demos and short workshops as well as private sessions.
All the modalities which I use are gentle, yet powerful – non-invasive and non-threatening. And the philosophy behind the work is always to be in the moment with the animal: observing their reactions, and letting them help guide the sessions.
TTouch is a teaching method for animals with roots in the Feldenkrais method. It was created and developed by Linda Tellington-Jones. It is subtle, yet powerful, and incorporates body work, body wraps and groundwork. TTouch influences the nervous system, so it is extremely soothing and can help animals with a range of behavioral, emotional, and physical issues, such as fearfulness, handling issues, stiffness, hyperactivity, and balance. It also helps deepen communication and understanding between animals and their humans.
I first learned about TTouch in the 1990s from my Feldenkrais teacher Marcy Lindheimer, after having adopted a five-month old feral cat, who we affectionately named Garbanzo. He was a rather wild boy, to say the least, so I wanted to do what I could to help calm him and socialize him. I learned what I could from TTouch books and tapes, then took workshops and eventually the practitioner training. Garbanzo lived to be 18 years old, crossing the rainbow bridge in 2012. He was an incredible teacher on my TTouch journey, and inspired me to want to help other animals as well.
Subsequent to Garbanzo's passing, I adopted two feral cats from BARC Shelter, who we named Lulu and Natalia, and the process of socializing them has been and continues to be an incredibly beautiful and fascinating experience.
Reiki originated in Japan and is a technique for relaxation and stress reduction and promotes healing. It is considered a complimentary and alternative therapy but is becoming more mainstream over time. It is used in many hospitals and wellness clinics across the country. Since it is considered an energetic modality, Reiki can be done either hands-off or with a light touch on the animal. It can also be offered effectively at a distance.
Healing Touch for Animals is an energy healing modality with a more clinical approach that I sometimes incorporate into my work.
Mary Debono’s modality, Debono Moves, is incredibly subtle work based on the Feldenkrais method (as is Tellington TTouch). Mary’s specialty is in mobility issues, but as the technique influences the nervous system, it is also helpful for fearful animals and for addressing emotional/behavioral issues as well as physical issues. I have recently begun incorporating her work into my practice.
Bach Flower remedies are gentle, safe and effective, and are an additional way to help restore the mind-body balance.

Garbanzo 1994 (above left) and 2012 ( above right). Garbanzo was an amazing being and teacher and led me to this work.

Above: Lulu and Natalia, October 2012, 4 months after coming to my home (they came home after Garbanzo passed). They had been brought into BARC shelter as feral cats at about 9 months old. TTouch, Reiki and Bach Flower remedies were so important in their socialization and acclimation:)

Above: TTouch with a feral kitten, while Jesse James
the Chihuahua picks up on the calm energy
Below: TTouch with Jinx [RIP], who also enjoyed regular Reiki sessions.

Sarah Hauser · TTouch, Animal Reiki and Bach Flower Remedies · (646) 522-9131 ·