Contact Us
Please feel free to contact me for further information, to join my mailing list, or to set up an appointment. You can either contact directly via email or phone or use the contact form below.
GREAT NEWS! I now have an online class on Teachable, "Cats Are Our
Teachers - The Power of Quiet Connection: TTouch and Other Modalities
for Cats". You can take the class at your own pace, on your own
schedule. USE THE COUPON SAVE20 TO GET 20% OFF THE CLASS. Click here for the class site and information:) Taking this class will also enable you to a 15% discount on a one-on-one
session with me (remotely or in person).
Please check out my blog, which contains stories of my work with animals, as well as my sarahsuricat youtube channel (, which provides demo clips of TTouch and other techniques. Follow me on Instagram (@sarahsuricat) to see my latest work with animals, plus some tutorials. I have also listed a website with my artwork, much of which is inspired by animals. Links below.
Sarah Hauser
(646) 522-9131
and please visit me on Facebook and follow me @sarahsuricat on Instagram and Twitter.

The kitten pictured above was feral when he arrived at BARC Shelter in Brooklyn. I worked with him and his siblings quite intensively. Within a short time all went from fearful to quite comfortable and friendly, and were subsequently adopted.
Sarah Hauser · TTouch, Animal Reiki and Bach Flower Remedies · (646) 522-9131 ·