Healing Energy for Animals with Sarah Hauser: TTouch, Animal Reiki and Bach Flower Remedies in New York City and Beyond

My Online Class: https://animals-and-the-now.teachable.com/p/cats-are-our-teachers-the-power-of-quiet-connection-ttouch-and-other-modalities-for-cats

My blog:  http://sarahsuricat.blogspot.com, or click on the "blog" tab above.

My etsy shop with all kinds of animal-themed art, jewelry, tshirts and more


Visit me on Facebook, follow me @sarahsuricat on Instagram and Twitter, and visit my sarahsuricat youtube channel for video demos of TTouch, Debono Moves, Reiki meditation and other techniques.

Other sites of interest:

Sheryl Berger, Reiki:  http://reikiforyourlife.com

Shelter Animal Reiki Association:  https://shelteranimalreikiassociation.org/

Cascade Animal Connection:  People and Animals in Partnership:  www.spiritdog.com

Homeless Cat Network:  http://www.homelesscatnetwork.com/

Tellington TTouch website: http://ttouch.com

Above and right: Demo with Jade during workshop at Homeless Cat Network in San Francisco Bay Area

 Sarah Hauser · TTouch, Animal Reiki and Bach Flower Remedies · (646) 522-9131 · hausershealinghands@gmail.com

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